Angus, Monty & I (Logan)

Angus, Monty & I  (Logan)
I'm the cute one on the right! Yes the one who is starring at you!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Just what is a "Forever Home"?!?!?!........ and a little incident while I was thinking about just that.....

I'm a little confused...  This 'house' has been my 'only' home.  

You can't call where I lived from Jan 25, 2006 till Oct 26, 2010 a "Home".  I lived in a tiny wire cage!!  My feet are still red and swollen.  Can you imagine standing on that wire for all that time?!?!  My Mom puts Bag Balm on my feet at night and during the day she puts little baby socks on my feet so she can put it on again.  Between the pads on my feet I have sore spots where the wires dug into my feet and if you look at your dogs feet.. he probably has fur growing between those pads..  I don't.   The sidewalk hurts them when we go for walks!  (but I love our walks!!!! and don't get me going.. I LOVE to RUN!!! :  I am LOGAN!!!!!!)  The other day when we were out I stepped in some salt... WoW that hurt!!!  Mom says it's a good thing that they don't use salt on our street! (only sand).  Holly told me (She showed me her feet.. she has broken toes from those wires... she was from a Mill too - that's why I'm patient with her!!  I know what she went through.. I think we have a kinship!!)  We kindof got off on the wrong foot - pardon the pun.. cause when I arrived here I was a barrel of aggression and quite frankly my 'job' at the Mill was to Breed and when I saw Holly.. I had one thing in mind.. To Do My Job!  I bit her and scratched her and well like I said I was just all hyped up to do what my job 'was'... I say "was" cause it's not anymore..  Now my job is learning to live in the 'house'...  learning to play... learning to get excited about squirrels... digging holes and getting into 'terrier-trouble"... I'm learning to LOVE!    Holly is still a little afraid of me I think.... I think sometimes she thinks about the Mill too.... but she's a girl.. when she thinks of it.. she runs and hides... when I think of it.. I get agitated and well sometimes I think I want revenge......

We didn't even have food and clean water in the Mill.  You need to understand that it was a big adjustment for me to even trust 'food'..  I was afraid of the food and the people who gave it to me.  Usually if I got something good it meant something bad was going to happen.........

Monty told me he never got water and in the Winter his water froze.... When Monty sees water now he gulps it and gulps it cause he thinks there will be no more..  His Mom has to take it away because if he gulps it.. he throws up.......

Ok SO... Holly was just getting down in her 'play-stance' wanting to.. well 'play' and doing her 'Happy-Dance' and then it happened kind of fast but Tola and I got into a bit of a fight because he thought I was going to hurt her - I WASN'T.   I bit his leg.. then he backed me into a corner.. both of us standing on our hind legs... and he held me in the corner until I calmed down... and well now I'm in my bed having some alone time! :(  and Tola is limping....  He's done that to me before..  we fight.. then he holds me in a corner until I calm down... I think he was a peace-keeper in another life... 

Here's the thing!  I really like Tola.  He and I hang out ALL day long.  He's a great little fellow but I think he's a little protective of Holly....

Ok.. with all the commotion I got a little off track!  I'd been thinking about Forever Homes.  My home now!  And.. if I could choose where I lived.. this is what it would sound like...

  • It wouldn't have little children because well with their screaming and quick movements.. they frighten me.  If I see hands up above people's heads I get a little anxious and well kids always seem to have all their limbs flailing all over the place....
  • I like other dogs but I think it would be best if there was only one other one besides me.  That way we could play and he/she could help teach me and show me how to have fun.. without the competition of too many of us in the pack or maybe it could be just me?  I'd like that too!!!  :)
  • See you humans have faults too.. you only have two hands.. so when we want to have your attention.. if there are three of us.. someone is always left out.. even if it's only for a minute or so and I really want to lap up lots of attention right now.
  • My forever home would have an adult who stays home.. someone who could be there for me and spend time just showing me how good it is to receive human love... someone (or two) who wants someone like me...  someone like me who can show them SO much love back..  someone like me who is so happy just to be with them!!!
  • It would have a fenced in backyard so I can go outside whenever I want.... in a safe place.
  • My forever humans would have to like to go for walks... cause I really do and I need that time to use up some of my energy and I have lots of missed walking days in my first 5 years to make up for.
  • My forever humans would like going to the dog park because even though I think it would be best to only have one other dog to contend with in the 'house' or if it was just me in the 'house'....  I do LOVE other dogs and when I go to the Dog Park.. I Run and I Run.  I run like the wind!!!    I play with ALL the dogs even the ones that seem to be 50x my size!  I play with them all and I am SO very happy to have so many dogs to play and run with.
  • My Forever Mom would have to understand that I'm just discovering life and I'm like a puppy.. I'm pretty curious about ..well everything!  She'd have to be patient with me and expect that I might chew the odd thing like puppies often do.
  • My Mom says .. it would be awesome if my forever Mom gave her lots and lots of updates.. and, :)  .... if my forever Mom would go to the the "Westie-Walk" so she could see me and hug me... or maybe my Forever Mom wouldn't mind if Tola and Holly came for a visit cause they are my first true Siblings.  (I think my Mom is a little needy too cause she gets a bit teary whenever this subject comes up!)
  • My Forever Mom could be a Dad too... or both!!!! :)

Are there places like that out there?!????   Like real Forever Homes that just want a handsome guy like me that they can help???  My Mom says it's "The most rewarding thing she has ever done to help me!!!!!!" 

I'm exhausted... first all the squirrels today..  and all this thinking takes a toll on you...  I'd really like to know what you all think about my ideas for a "Forever Home"...  do places like that exist???  I sure hope so!!!  I have so much love to give!!!!

Big Sigh,


I don't know why but there were SO many squirrels in our front yard today I'm plum tuckered out from all the activity...

We had no time to sit down.  By the time we got off that table, down the stairs to the front door... back up the stairs again.. countless leaps back up on the table.. (And.. sometimes I don't judge the table right and get the wind knocked out of me as it hits me in the chest.... And .. sometimes.. I slide right across the table and fall off on the other side....) another squirrel arrived and a few of them stood up at their hind legs trying to get a better look at us....  the nerve.. I got pretty vocal telling everyone to please let me out there... oh that would have been SO fun!   Those stuffies around the house got a good work out today.  Holly hid her favourites under the bed... what's up with that.  She's no fun!

And.... just re-living it here telling you about it has me needing a nap!


Monday, November 29, 2010

Keeping Watch...

This is us keeping a watch on the neighbourhood.  Well Tola and I are... Holly can't jump up on the table... she was standing doing her Meerkat thing ..but she turned around cause well she's sweet Miss Holly and I bet she wanted her face in the picture....

Anyways, that was us this morning!
I'm going for my nap, Logan :)

Last night....

So last night I was full blown out snoring on the couch and Mom came over saying.. "Up-Up"..  she talked to me for a while... I'm not sure what she said but I liked the sound of her voice as she touched my face...  then she pulled everything.. (blankets, stuffies, chews..) out of my bed and put them all back in nice and neat... then she put me in...!!!!  No.. No.. No.. I said.   First of all.. I prefer it messy in here!  That took me a good long time to put things back as they were... then I called out to Holly and Tola for the longest time... I know they heard me but they didn't come to my rescue... so eventually my barks slowed to groans and I settled down....

I'm glad it's morning... I like mornings best!  Big   S_t_r_e_t_c_h......    time to find something to chew on....


Sunday, November 28, 2010

I wanted to share a couple of pictures....

This picture is of Monty & I.  Yes, that's me using Monty as a pillow!  I'm pretty adorable.. wouldn't you say? :) :)   Ok.. Ok.. yes Monty is too!

In this picture.. Holly is on the left..  you can tell she is a little excited because her ears are down... or maybe she's worried because they go down when she's nervous too....  Sarah is beside Holly, then TOLA..who is looking right at Me :) and yes it looks like I'm kissing him (I'm not really) and last but not least is Monty.  This was the same morning that I sprinted across that coffee table and spilt all the coffee ;)... like I said.. they don't leave anything on that table anymore !!  This is us after our morning outing and breakfast on a typical morning!

Logan :)

Ok.. one more.. same morning :)  We are getting ready for a nap now.....

Some Milestones....

Hey....  I thought I would tell you that Mom lets us play Tug of War now!!  We all play and 'usually' without any big fights!!  Although right now Tola and I are having a stare-down to see who gets to pick up the chippy with the squeaky head and tail first!!

You'd hardly know me now... if you remember when I first came into the 'house' I couldn' go up the stairs and it took me quite a while to get up enough courage to go down those hardwood stairs.... now I 'Run'.. up and down.   Heck, I even go downstairs on my own to look for toys.

I'm beginning to show some personality too ;)   Like sometimes I don't want to go outside... so I run the other way.  Mom always makes me though... so I just let her think she's in charge and I go.  I've got her trained pretty good now.. like... when she picks me up.. she always says "Up-Up"

Last night I didn't want to go to bed.  Tola and Holly went to sleep and Mom and I stayed up and watched a movie.  When she finally put me to bed I complained for an hour straight... so she got me back up and we went outside for a while... but then she put me right back to bed ... so I really let her know this was not my plan.. and I complained for another hour.  I'm not sure what time we finally got to sleep this morning.. but I was pooped.  I had a long nap after breakfast.

Tola and I spent a long time wrestling this afternoon.  I tried out my 'racoon voice' a few times...  everybody seems to pay attention when I do that - I'm not sure why?

When I'm awake I'm so buzy exploring, chewing, running around and best of all eating... (I even ate my carrots at dinner).. oh and toys.. I 'love' toys...  that I don't have much time to think about my old life.... Well, I don't like loud, sudden noises and some things I see still give me a good scare..   The other day I jumped off the couch onto the coffee table and charged right across it to see what a noise was... (actually I've done that a lot - no one keeps stuff on that table since the day I charged right through two big 'full' coffee cups..) ... turned out to be Monty's Mom's phone.. aghh these Human's have so many things that just make noise out of no where....anyways, I get over it faster now.

I still have bad dreams about the Mill.  I hate it when that happens cause I wake up and I don't know where I am!!!!  Mom tells me "It's okay Logan.. it's okay"..  and I settle back down with a deep sigh!

Well that's it for now.. need these paws to hold on to my chew!


Friday, November 26, 2010

Getting more comfortable...

I have learned so much in 4 weeks...

TOLA showed me how to jump up on the coffee table in front of the window!!   We jump up there..

  • when Mom goes out... (and stand watch till she comes back!!!!)
  • when anyone walks by out there..
  • we stand watch looking for Monty to cross the street in the morning...
  • we watch for Sarah to come over and visit....
  • we bark at the leaves blowing by from there
  • well....     we just keep an eye on the neighbourhood from there

I've been trying out how things taste around this house...

I LOVE any kind of 'chew'
I'm just getting aqainted with the word 'chew'.. mom says.. I've chewed...

  • her fit-flop summer sandles (she wasn't too happy about that..  I offered to make the two of them look the same.. but she said.. "That's Okay"....
  • her favorite wooden chair
  • every and any flyers left within my reach
  • the wicker basket that all our toys are stored in
  • the coffee table in the living room
  • the arms of the couch in the living room
  • something she says is called a Tai-Chi Machine... (In my defense... i just liked the feel of that material.. and it just kept coming off as my teeth touched it).....
I've noticed things keep getting stacked higher up around here.... Actually I notice everything... if something is moved... if something is new... I'm right there inspecting it .. I'm ready to attack anything that is not where it should be..  I'm just protecting the 'house'.....

My Mom's a little sad tonight.. so I'm protecting her too...  I run over and give her a sweet westie kiss every now and again..  She hugs me and pats my face...  I really like it if you press hard when you pat me... I like to feel your touch... Mom says she can tell when I enjoy it by the throaty noises I make....

I must go chase Holly... she's running around with this dark brown fluffy puppy....

Logan :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Birthday Parties and Dog Parks....

OH MY Gooooodnes..

I LOVE the Dog Park...
I can run.. I can run... and I just runnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!

No 'house' sounds..
I just RUN!!!!

I play like nothing else matters..

I just RUN.. 
in actual fact
nothing else does matter..

I just RUN!!!

I'm Logan.. and I love to RUN!!!


Monday, November 22, 2010

These are a few of my favourite things...........

I had a very buzy weekend...  and as I am sitting back right now..  (chewing on Monty's leash) I'm just reflecting on some of the things that I have discovered I like....

  • I like my face touched.. Mom says I make the same sounds when you stroke my face as I do when I'm gobbling up my breakfast (Yes!  I love my breakfast now!!!)
  • I LOVE squeaky toys... they are my absolute favourite!!!
  • I like lying on the rug in front of the fireplace... I just love that warmth on my back...
  • I like running and looking out the window with Holly and TOLA
  • I like cuddle up on the couch time in the evening... We all want to sit right next to Mom.. I think that makes her feel special...
  • I like running "Fast" through the house... tearing around the backyard as fast as I can and I like exploring at the Dog Park... 
  • I like wrestling with TOLA..  Mom seems so happy when I get down in 'play stance' and make these throaty noises and wag my tail encouraging TOLA to play with me!!!!  We wrestle for a very long time... Mom has some videos of us so I'm sure you'll all see them ... she says we look like miniature Polar bears as we are both on our hind legs hugging and snarling at each other at the same time... I even roll on my back.. legs a flailing .. I always need a nap afterward....
  • I love mealtime!!!!!!!!!!! I especially like chicken and I eat every speck in my bowl... yes you got that right.. I said a bowl... no more flat dish for me.. I have a bowl now too!!!
  • Oh.. Oh... Oh.. I have to tell you this... Today on our afternoon walk.. I held my tail high and proud... I ran ahead with Holly.. Holly's favourite thing is going for a walk... Mom has to say.. "W" "A" "L" "K" until it's actually time to go out the door.. SO.. I like walking with her... seriously she makes it SO fun.. I figure if she loves it that much.... it must be!!
  • Oh.. Oh... Oh.. one more thing... when I play with the squeaky chicken... Mom says I make the same sounds that I make when I eat (the I love this food sound) and the sound I make when she pats my face... I guess I love the squeeeeky chicken guy too!! :)
  • I'm discovering so many things... I can't think of them all right now!!!!!!
There are also many things that startle me still...

  • The phone ringing
  • The door bell
  • The teenagers walking by with the hoodies on
  • The big white food co-op truck that delivers food across the road
  • The guy with his bicycle and cart looking through our recycle
  • Aydan when he swings his hands over his head or runs through the house..
  • Certain music coming from that black thing in the diningroom..
  • Oh... I detest sirens.. they really upset me
  • I don't like it when lights go on and off suddenly.. I just don't understand how that happens... (BUT... I 'can' sleep in the dark now... remember when I couldn't??)
  • Oh.. do you remember all the Westies in the 'house' .. I ignore them mostly now.. when I'm upset about something else I'll let them 'have it'.. but I don't go looking for them and when I do see them .. they don't look as fiece as they did 3 weeks ago for some reason.... OH>>  When Mom is fixing our food and I'm eagerly awaiting it.. mouth watering and all.... I do snap at the one in the dishwasher... he's always drooling too.. so you understand.. I just have to let him know it's 'mine'..
  • It's dark now and I see a Westie boy outside through the patio door.. but when I get a bit upset at time... TOLA comes to my rescue.. and we start playing and running around.. then I grab that little chicken guy and make him squak and all is well again.
I have to go scratch my back under the coffee table....I love how that feels!!!


Friday, November 19, 2010

The backyard is totally white!!!!

Mom says I look like a snowman!!  I don't know what that is... but I've got all this cold white stuff it stuck to my coat!!  I have to say I like the coolness on my face!!  I'm so frisky when we come back inside.. we run all over the house! 

I'm getting in some good cuddle time on the couch tonight!!  Mom and I are watching TV.  Hey.. remember when I was totally scared of the TV????  It only scares me once in a while now!! :) :)


Thursday, November 18, 2010

24th Day of Freedom!!!

I had the best sleep EVER last night!!!!  

Two things I've noticed about this place..... I can always count on having my breakfast when we come in from outside in the morning!!  I know.. at first you might think that .. that is only one thing to notice.. BUT at the Mill we NEVER 'went' outside and at the Mill we didn't get breakfast!!!!!!!

We chased each other all around outside this morning..  I love doing that!!  Before I came here I only dreamed of running.. I never actually thought it would happen!

Now I'm inside with my chew and our toys and every once in a while I grab a shoe.. but our Mom doesn't let me have those for long!

My Mom told me that Freedom (aka #13) found a new and forever home!  What's that?  She also told me something about Freedom that she thought was really funny!  Well Freedom goes to the Dog Park too... there must be other Dog Park's than ours cause I never saw him there!!  Anyways, Freedom's Mom told my Mom that when Freedom is at the Dog Park he sneaks up and pees on people shoes....  My Mom laughed like crazy... She says maybe Angus and Freedom really are brothers because that is exactly what Angus does at the Dog Park too!!!!!!  We watched him do it and he is really sneaky about it!!

You are probably going to think that I nap a lot.. cause I'm telling you I'm going to have another nap again right now.. I see a stuffie that is calling me over.....


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

23rd Day of Freedom

Does anyone know what mischievous is??  Mom says that's me today....

Maybe you can help me figure this out?  I'll tell you what I've been up to since I got up!!  Well.. I got up and went outside.. then we had breakfast.. .. but since then...

  • I chewed through the strap on Mom's purse... (maybe she shouldn't have left it on the floor under the coffee table??  DO you think??... )
  • I went in the laundry room and dragged out socks and dish cloths from a basket on the floor...
  • I pulled Mom's day-timer off the coffee table to see what it tasted like....
  • I pulled the blanket off the couch... then a pillow..
  • I was trying to rearrange the rug in front of the fireplace.. (I just wanted to see if there was anything interesting under it...)..
  • I ran up to the door to bring Mom's shoes down here... (I thought she'd like that!!!)...

Ok so... she finally figured out that she packed up all the toys to vacuum last night... 

I'm playing with a squeaky toy now!!
Logan :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Last Night and This Morning ...

So... last night I was hooting it up at 4:00 am.  Mom was pretty proud of me cause I was telling her I had to go outside.   I sure had to get out there ... I must say (well I've heard Mom say it too) I'm a very smart boy!

Monty was over for the morning today.  I have two words to say about that boy.. "Couch Potatoe"!!  Actually come to think of it he was here for dinner last night too ;)  He may be a little guy but he loves his food!   His Mom says she has to watch how fast he gobbles his water because he just drinks like there might not be anymore... and then .. well if he does that.. it comes back up!!!  Anyways, we had a pretty quiet morning besides barking at squirrels and chasing stuffies and figuring out who got to sit with who!

I'm buzy chomping on a chew right now... I have to go though because I'm taking it in the other room where I can enjoy it by myself....


Monday, November 15, 2010

Wrestling... and People walking by...

Ok.. first... I didn't realize that it could be so much fun to have a friend.. heck .. I didn't know what a friend was!!!  I think TOLA is my friend!!!  :)   We spent a good hour wrestling this morning after our walk.  Holly kept out of the way and kept going to get Mom.  I think she might be a bit of a tattle-tale!  We are all pooched now!  ......I nipped Monty on our walk today.  I just wanted to warn him not to come over after the walk!  ;)

Oh.. I slept really well last night!  I did some tidying up of my bed and rearranged my stuffies and I dreampt about what we were going to have for breakfast.

Oh Yes... I was also going to tell you that as were were keeping a watch on the neighbourhood this morning.. this scary looking guy drove past on a bicycle.  He was also pulling a big cart.  He was wearing old, dark clothing and he got off his bike in front of our house and starting looking through our recycle.  Holly said he goes by every Monday.  There was just something about him that freaked me out and I got real vocal about it and convinced Holly & TOLA that there was something scary about him and he was not to be trusted.  TOLA started 'howling'  ... he throws his head back and does a full out 'howl'... then Holly joined in... I thought TOLA through his back.. wow... she must have extra joints in her neck and her howl .. incredible.. that 'sweet' little Holly has a howl so deep I could have sworn I was sitting beside a HUGE dog.. that did it I joined in the howling...  it was an incredible chorous Mom said.  I feel more bonded to them now becasue I just feel like we did something soulful together!

Naptimes over... someone moved somthing down here so I have to check it out...........

Sunday, November 14, 2010

18th Day of Freedom....

Last night was THE best night of my Life so far!!!!  Mom cancelled TOLA's sleep-over with Sarah because he and I were having a blast!  I forgot all about the 'house' sounds... I showed all the Westies who are hiding in the 'house' how to have fun... Holly, TOLA and I ran all around the house... picking up stuffies and throwing them in the air... I even got down in 'Play Stance' wagging my tail..  Mom got pretty teary watching us all all tear around...  Holly grabbed a few of the stuffies and hid them under the bed..  Mom said those were her favorites... so I grabed a couple and put them in my bed too!

I didn't sleep as well last night... I couldn't stop thinking about all the fun we had!!!!!!!  I just wanted to get up and do it again!  Holly wanted to get up too!!  She told me!!!!   She ran around the bed.. getting in 'Play-Stance' then doing her 'Happy-Dance' and rolling on her back making all these Happy Noises...  Mom was a party pooper though..  We went outside (in the dark) for a few minutes and then we all went back to bed!  I complained for a while but then I gave in and slept till the sun came up!!

That's me running!!!!!  The tail is Holly's!  I'm chasing her!!!  :)

Naptime!!  :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I just thought I'd let you all know that I'm very eagar for mealtime now!!  OH!! .....  :)   Also, I ate some of that beef jerky today!  I LOVE it!  :)

I never ran so fast as I did today after dinner!  We were all outside running around and around in the backyard!  I'm not sure who was chasing who.. but.. WoW!!!    I never knew I could do that!   Look out Westie Walk Races!! 

I'm fast!!
Logan :)

Last Night...

I must say I enjoyed yesterday evening very much!  Holly & TOLA went to bed early.. (I think I wore them out) and I got to sit beside my Mom on the couch for a couple of hours with nobody else trying to horn in on all the attention.  It felt really good to just hang out and relax!

Holly got up eventually and she wandered over to a few feet from the couch and sat down just looking at us.  She was acting like she didn't know if she should come over or not!  Maybe I intimidate her??  She finally came over and jumped up on the far side of the couch and just to re-enforce that she was in fact horning in on my time now.. I jumped across the couch and bit her.  She let out a scream and went and hid under the bed!!  I don't think my Mom was too impressed with me!  We all went outside and then we all went to bed!


Friday, November 12, 2010


My MoM did gather up all of toys...  she was using this thing that had steam coming out of it...  I have to tell you!!!!  I've been doing my best to 'mark' this 'house' as mine...   Here's the thing..  I'm trying to get rid of Angus's scent.. and that little Monty guy comes over every day and he covers up some of my hard work!!  Then TOLA.. much to my MoM's surprise.. tries to cover up it ALL..    Thank goodness that 'sweet' Holly girl doesn't get into this...

Anyways.......... while she was doing her best to undo all of my hard work..  I got into the "Bark & Fitz" bag that she put all the toys in.. and I had a real fine time destroying that bag and putting all those toys where they should be!!

I think it is going to be a bit of a battle as to who's scent is where!  When I go outside.. I'm pretty smart and once you read what I'm going to say you will understand..  for some reason.. some of these guys are afraid of "Thresholds"..  ya.. ya.. ya.. I was for a day or two also... now I just 'mark' them ALL as mine..  as everyone else walks through them.. they'll know "I'm Logan!" and I'm not to be taken lightly and I'm a force to be reckoned with!!!

Anyways.. the toys are back where they belong!  :D  All around me!!  TOLA is upstairs watching to see if Sarah & Monty are coming over and Holly... well she's pretty loyal to TOLA.. she's sprawled out on the couch upstairs..  I'm pretty happy cause my MoM and I are enjoying the Toys!!!

OH... I almost forgot!!!  There are two birds down here!!!  I saw them today!  I thought I heard them before but today I 'saw' them..  and one of them yelled at me when I jumped on their "safe-place"... more about him later.. he talks in human words!!!! 

Everyone's barking I must go investigate,
More later....

I discovered something...

Today....  I discovered how good it feels to  S-T-R-E-T-C-H   Amazing!!  I had a huge stretch when I got up this morning and I've been doing it a lot this afternoon!!  You can yawn when you stretch too!!   It just feels SO good!!!!!!

Logan :)

17th Day

Well.. I had a good sleep last night in my own bed.. I protested it a bit at first and Holly woke me up in the middle of the night!  She thought it was time to get up and play and I thought it was a good idea!  Apparently it wasn't because we all went back to sleep.  I'm getting to know that we go outside as soon as the sun comes up and I know what "Outside Logan" means!

My Humans wonder why my tail is down during our morning walk.  I've been trying to tell them.. that sidewalk hurts my feet!  I heard my Mom say that she's buying me some "Baby Socks" so she can put the "Bag Balm" on my feet more often.. so I think she's getting the idea.

I don't think TOLA and I will be playing Tug-of-War for a while..  after this morning.   We had our biggest fight yet.  We both wound up under our Mom's massage chair with this stuffie who has a lot of legs.. and let me tell you neither one of us was going to back down from that game ....

Here's the thing... TOLA growls when I try to join in...  and I don't like to be growled at... I'm the one who should be doing the growling... that boy has had such an easy life... he's got nothing to growl about!!!!!!!!!!  I've noticed that he growls when I try to sit with Sarah or Mom.  I've noticed that he gets all upset when I'm upset too!

I heard my Mom ask Sarah if TOLA could have a sleep-over with Sarah and Monty tonight.   I'm ALL for that!!!  Monty doesn't seem to mind TOLA but I've noticed that Monty is a bit of a follower and rather placid.  I on the other hand have a mind of my own and I intend to express it.

It's a complicated world out here on the outside sometimes!

Hey... I found another squeaky toy in the 'house'!  My Mom said it's a chicken!  I beg to differ.. that thing screams fiercley back at me when I bit it!!!  My Moms trying to gather up ALL our toys!  She says she is going to Vacuum.........   What the heck is that???

I think it's time for a nap!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tail Wagging!!!

Ok!  I'm excited!!  I ran down to the door to greet my Mom tonight .. yes I ran.. and my tail was wagging a mile a minute!   I should back up and tell you that I don't wag my tail all the time like some of these other guys... my tail doesn't wag me!!  I wag it when I'm happy and I really wanted to wag it tonight!


16th Day of Freedom

Did I tell you that I now run up the stairs and down?!!!!  I'm pretty proud of myself!   When my Mom gets home I get all excited and I run down the steps to the door!  I think there are 6 steps :D and they are hardwood so I gotta say they were pretty tricky at first.. especially going down!!

Well... Let me see!  I only took advantage of Holly 3 times today.   She just gets in my way when I'm tryng to look out the window or when I'm inspecting new things.  I pull out all my attack skills..  she screams so loud sometimes I have to quit because it hurts my ears!

Now.. TOLA is another story.  He growls at me when we play tug of war.. and the guy just won't quit or let go!   What's the fun in that??  AND... he barks at me if I scare Holly!  We've gotten into some rip-snorten wild fights!   They think TOLA is a scardy-cat but the guy doesn't give up.  He irritates me!   I think he and I got into it 3 times today!

The Westies in the 'house' frightened me 3 times today too!  I'm beginning to wonder what's up with this number 3!

My Mom was out for a while today and when she got back she sprayed this funny tasting stuff in my mouth!!  I heard them talking about it!  They called it Rescue Remedy!  What's that all about?  It made me feel a little funny!  Actually I played with my squeaky toys for quite a while after I had it... and I lay down for a while in front of the fireplace.  I'm a little worried that they are trying to wreck my tough guy image with that stuff!!!!!  I'll let you know more about it tomorrow!

Right now I'm going to go have a nap!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's morning and my 15th Day of Freedom...

Well.. I had a pretty good sleep last night!  No outbursts during the night... I was still pretty happy to see the Sun!!  We got up .. I walked right out of my bed by myself and had a big stretch!!  We went outside to pee and all that stuff!  We came in and we all ate breakfast... then we went back outside!  Holly and TOLA run up the outside deck stairs with me.. but then they leave me up there and run right back down!!!!!  That's okay!  I can see the whole neighborhoud from up there and I like checking things out.

We are back inside now!  I figured something out!! :D   If someone walks by in the front of the 'house' ... if you run to the back patio door.. you can still watch them after they walk around the corner!

I think we are going for a walk now!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I saw them in our living room....

Woah!!!!  I saw some people on this thing in our living room...   (At first I couldn't stand the TVat all - that's another story)  I have to tell you these people looked just like my captors!!!   I barked and growled at them.  I think I scared them away!

I think I need to go to bed!


I'm on the couch :)

Well my Mom came and got me out of my Safe Spot.  We had a little talk and then I went outside to cool off and go for a Pee!   When I ran back in I ran right over to the Laundry Room and I gave a quick half snarl to the smug Westie in there!  Mom said "No"..

Now I'm on the couch.. trying to relax...

So you see.. I don't know what comes over me.. Well I do!  I have all these memories and I can't really control how they affect me!   I'm actually a very smart Westie and I'm trying to figure all this out.  If I wasn't as smart I might be happy to just lay around in this new found comfort all day.

Do you know what it's like to be prisoner in a tiny cage for your whole life?  Do you have any idea what it's like to never play, to never be shown any kind of affection.  My cage was filthy!  So was my food and water!!  Human hands did nothing but hurt me!  Human voices screamed at me to Shut-up!  I fell asleep at night listening to the anguish of over 800 other dogs.. the sounds haunt me!  I know I'm lucky.. I will never forget the ones that were left behind!

It's hard for me to think about that place!!  No words can describe the horror we all went through there!  :(


I'm in my "Safe-Spot Bed"...

Ok, So.. in my defense.. Aydan was here and that boy just can't seem to sit still!  He was doing his KungFu moves after dinner!  It really scares me when people's hands are above their heads!  Then he made these loud noises that sounded like gunshots!  (He called it 'the gas')  I chased him and bit at his legs and ankles.. yes I did.. I didn't bite him though.. but I think I wanted to.... and then that Westie in the Mirror was the last straw!  I lost it! :(

It was a long day!  I'm in my safe spot!

Some Firsts...

Hey!!!  Have you ever been to a “Dog Park”?  I love it there!!!
I run around like a Hooooligan (my Mom said) and I play with all the other dogs!  I even play Fetch. 
Holly brings the ball back to our Mom.  Me.. I figure if I’m lucky enough to get my mouth around one,
I’ll just keep running around with it!!

I’ve figured out how to go 'up the stairs' at home.  It was pretty hard at first but now I run up!  I even went up the outside
stairs.  I’m glad I figured that out!  Holly and TOLA used to leave me at the bottom!   Now I just have to figure out how to go down them.

It was pretty cold when we went for a walk this morning so we wore coats.    I’ve never worn a coat before and it felt a
little awkward but I liked how warm it kept my chest.

I have my own little “Safe-Spot Bed” now.  Holly let me have some of her stuffies and I even have a chew in there and
some warm blankets.   I like it in there.  I even let them turn the light off last night.

Today we all went to the Groomers.  Monty and I got our nails clipped.  I didn’t mind that at all!!  Angus got a bath and
a hair cut.  I’m glad it was him and not me!  He had to stand on a table and a big lady had some pretty scary looking things that
she was coming at Angus with!  Everybody made a big fuss about how cute he looked.   I think my hair looks just fine the way it is.

Oh.. I almost forgot we saw a gray and white cat sitting on a car today - in the parking lot at the groomers.
I stood on my back legs to better a better look and the nerve.... he smacked me right in the nose.  
He surprised me so much that I fell right back ..on my back.  I’m glad there are none of those  in the house!

Sometimes today I tried walking right past the Westies hiding in the house!  I don’t think they are
all that smart because they didn’t even notice.  When we got home from the Groomers I let one of
them have it though.  I was still a little ticked about that cat that smacked me!

I let Holly 'have it' too!  We were all in the livingroom window watching a cat called "Silver" walk up the hill
across the road.   I've never seen a cat before and now two in one day.. what are the odds of that??
TOLA started howling and I mean "Howling".  He throws his head back and howls like
a wolf!!   Well.. it freaked me out!  Holly was standing beside me and I really wanted to get that cat.. so I
snarled at her and jumped on top of her with a vengence.  Don't get in the way of a guy who wants revenge
on a cat!!!!  Woah.. she squealed so loud I jumped off her.. then she ran and hid downstairs! 

Well, we just had an early dinner.   I was starving!!  Yes, I ate it all!  I have been eating it all lately and
nothing bad seems to happen…  

I think I’m going to have a nap!

Monday, November 8, 2010

I am so.. Over-Whelmed..

Parts of me hurt.. I don't know what they did to me at that Clinic.. but I HURT!!!

Also, I just want to say that.. I'd be happier if Night never showed itself..

The other night.. not sure how many nights back...
I'm not sure how I should measure things.. how many nights?  how many meals?  Well I don't eat .. I know they are trying to trick me.. so counting meals wouldn't work...

anyways.. it had been dark for a long time... not totally dark cause I really complain if they turn the lights out... So they don't.. I have them trained..

I have to say that.. I just can't stand it in the dark.. and when I am half asleep.. my mind wanders .. wanders back to the Mill and what it was like there..

one day I will describe that to you.. but for now... I'm glad it is in my past..

anyways.. as you can well imagine.. i get scared. if I think about that place..

it is hard to determine.. exactly what happens to me.. i just get SO scared.. and then I am NOT myself...

my new "MoM" touched me..

I freaked...

I saw for a few seconds.. my old life.. and i was just So scared..

I swear if I had the time to think about it.. Things would have been different.. but I didn't and so I just reacted..
A boy has to protect himself..
I bit her hard..
I bit her head and her face..
I just wanted to end the memory that was happening in my head!!!

You would too!!

Yes, a few moments later.. when I realized.. what was going on.. I froze..

I stood still...
The memory was gone..
She held me..

We were okay!

Things are moving way too fast for me...

I don't 'get' this 'house'...

There is a Westie.. in what they call the Kitchen.. he's hiding in a mirror.. I've tried to call him out but he is scared .. I'm not sure why..

There is also a Westie.. in this thing they call a DishWasher.. I'm glad I'm not 'in' there..

I heard some strange noises downstairs.. and I also found out that they have Westies in what they call the "Laundry Room".. it is scary in there.. I found a life size Westie right outside of that room... I think my Mom called it a "Mirror".. He scared me to death.. Seriously.. He looks exactly like me.. I tried my best to frighten him.. biting at him.. He bit right back!!!!

Also, I heard this strange sound.. I think she called it a 'phone' .. well now I'm sure that there is a Human Male inside what they call a couch.. I did my best.. using my teeth and all my might to pull him out of there...!!!


I swear.. they have Westies hidden all over in this place!!!

and they are watching me!!!

Not sure why they scare me so much .. except that.. they don't speak.. they just watch me!

I'm watching them too!!!

Number 11 Logan

These Humans didn't waste any time...

I heard these Humans talking..
Believe ME!! 
No time at all transpired.. We were booked to go to Scarborough, ON
for what they called.. Neutering!!?!?!  I don't think I need that done!!

Actually that and .. my Ears are just fine.  Leave them alone please!

So.. Monday morning we got up before the SUN..  it was dark out and I DO NOT like the DARK..

We drove, and drove...

We arrived at this place.. more dogs.. more humans.. more chaos..

First thing I knew I was asleep..
I awoke btw in PAIN..
I heard someone talking about PAIN Meds.. I don't think I got Mine!!

Y.. Ouch!!!!

Okay so now these Humans say we are "Driving Home"..

It's me.. I heard them say my name is Logan.. I thought I was number 11~~~~

Number 10 .. is now Angus!
Number 9.. I loved him as Number 9 .. is now Monty Hall

We met Number 13 at the Clinic.. His name is Freedom!!  I want that to be my name.. That is ALL I want.

I have to think some more before I can re-post..

U really have to understand this is ALL so new to me!

Logan - Number 11


Ok so, from here forward.. our humans decided we needed names...

Number 9.. btw I liked him as "Number 9" is now Monty Hall
Number 10 .. is Angus
Me.. I was Number 11 - I'm now Logan!

Remember Logan's Run?

I'm Logan on a quest to Freedom!

Right now.. I'm not sure what Freedom is.. I'm just trying to figure out all these words...


The Next couple of days....

We, Number 9, Number 10 and I spent our first night in Canada..

They tried to feed us.. Number 9 and Number 10 gobbled their food.  I'm pretty smart.. I didn't eat.  I know they are tryint to trick us!!

Number 9 left with his Human.. not sure where he went...

Number 10 went into a Room with BB and her human.

Oh so lucky me.. I met TOLA and Holly.. They were a little over-wheming.. so full of themselves!  I really liked Holly.. but she didn't want anything to do with me!!! :(

Like I said, I didn't eat.  They were not going to trick me!

Before I knew it... we were in this thing they called a "Bed".  I have always slept by myself.. so I was just a little anxious..  Someone turned the light out and I quickly told them.. they couldn't do that.

That night is a blur to me also.. as I am thinking back..

Number 11

Let me introduce myself!!!

My Name is Logan!

I am a West Highland White Terrier.  I am almost 5 years old!  I was born on January 25th, 2006.  I lived my whole life in a tiny cage as a breeding male at an Amish Puppy Mill in Mexico, Missouri, USA.

My journey started when the Westie Rescue Alliance decided to band together and save some of us from this horrid Puppy Mill in Mexico, Missouri.... up until then.. I knew nothing of "Life".

My journey is all about what has happened since they saved me from my Hell and how I am dealing with "Life as a Free Wesite-Boy"!  It is not as romantic or easy as you may initially think!!

I left the Shindler "Puppy Mill" {believe me there is nothing "Puppy-like" there} on Tuesday October 26th 2010.  Some nice ladies rescued me and 23 other WHWT's.  Yes 24 of us left there that day!!!!  It's all a blur to me what happened that day, that night, on Wednesday... things were just happening too fast to remember.   I do remember peeing on one nice lady who was trying to help me.. I just couldn't help it... {Yes maybe I was trying to "Mark" her as mine.. she was SO nice to me!

We arrived in Toronto Canada.  Yes we left the USA and arrived in Canada on Thursday, October 28th!!  A very nice lady picked us up... Me-- Then Number 11, Number 10, Number 9, and Number 13.

Our first stop was to drop off Number 13 pretty close by.. then we drove North the 3 of us.  {Number 8, Number 10 and I) Shortly after we arrived at our destination.. some other people arrived also..  Number 10 was the bravest and he left his "Safe Spot" first.. He seemed in instantly have a comfort zone with the fellow who reached out to him.   I was next..  I didn't want to come out but this lady reached in and touched me... picked me up and started talking to me in these words.. I couldn't understand..  I watched as Number 9 also was picked up.. he really had to be coaxed out by the way!

The next thing I knew we were in another vehicle heading further north.  Again, it is all a blur to me.. I really didn't know what was happening...

People were talking in more of these words I didn't understand.  We stopped somewhere and Number 9 and Number 10 gobbled up something they called Beef Jerky.  I wanted no part of it.  You see .. if a Human offers you Food .. They are trying to trick you.  I didn't eat it!!

The vehicle finally stopped!!  We went into a house.  I'm not sure how to describe what I saw... except that there were more little White Dogs and a Dog called BB.. who by the way thinks she is male but she's NOT!!

I gathered we were staying there for the night.  By this time you have to understand.. I'd been travelling for 2 days!  I was beat!  I just wanted to go to sleep!

I'm exhausted just re-thinking those first couple of days!!  I have to gather my thoughts.. then I will tell you about the next couple of days!!

Number 11