You can't call where I lived from Jan 25, 2006 till Oct 26, 2010 a "Home". I lived in a tiny wire cage!! My feet are still red and swollen. Can you imagine standing on that wire for all that time?!?! My Mom puts Bag Balm on my feet at night and during the day she puts little baby socks on my feet so she can put it on again. Between the pads on my feet I have sore spots where the wires dug into my feet and if you look at your dogs feet.. he probably has fur growing between those pads.. I don't. The sidewalk hurts them when we go for walks! (but I love our walks!!!! and don't get me going.. I LOVE to RUN!!! : I am LOGAN!!!!!!) The other day when we were out I stepped in some salt... WoW that hurt!!! Mom says it's a good thing that they don't use salt on our street! (only sand). Holly told me (She showed me her feet.. she has broken toes from those wires... she was from a Mill too - that's why I'm patient with her!! I know what she went through.. I think we have a kinship!!) We kindof got off on the wrong foot - pardon the pun.. cause when I arrived here I was a barrel of aggression and quite frankly my 'job' at the Mill was to Breed and when I saw Holly.. I had one thing in mind.. To Do My Job! I bit her and scratched her and well like I said I was just all hyped up to do what my job 'was'... I say "was" cause it's not anymore.. Now my job is learning to live in the 'house'... learning to play... learning to get excited about squirrels... digging holes and getting into 'terrier-trouble"... I'm learning to LOVE! Holly is still a little afraid of me I think.... I think sometimes she thinks about the Mill too.... but she's a girl.. when she thinks of it.. she runs and hides... when I think of it.. I get agitated and well sometimes I think I want revenge......
We didn't even have food and clean water in the Mill. You need to understand that it was a big adjustment for me to even trust 'food'.. I was afraid of the food and the people who gave it to me. Usually if I got something good it meant something bad was going to happen.........
Monty told me he never got water and in the Winter his water froze.... When Monty sees water now he gulps it and gulps it cause he thinks there will be no more.. His Mom has to take it away because if he gulps it.. he throws up.......
Ok SO... Holly was just getting down in her 'play-stance' wanting to.. well 'play' and doing her 'Happy-Dance' and then it happened kind of fast but Tola and I got into a bit of a fight because he thought I was going to hurt her - I WASN'T. I bit his leg.. then he backed me into a corner.. both of us standing on our hind legs... and he held me in the corner until I calmed down... and well now I'm in my bed having some alone time! :( and Tola is limping.... He's done that to me before.. we fight.. then he holds me in a corner until I calm down... I think he was a peace-keeper in another life...
Here's the thing! I really like Tola. He and I hang out ALL day long. He's a great little fellow but I think he's a little protective of Holly....
Ok.. with all the commotion I got a little off track! I'd been thinking about Forever Homes. My home now! And.. if I could choose where I lived.. this is what it would sound like...
- It wouldn't have little children because well with their screaming and quick movements.. they frighten me. If I see hands up above people's heads I get a little anxious and well kids always seem to have all their limbs flailing all over the place....
- I like other dogs but I think it would be best if there was only one other one besides me. That way we could play and he/she could help teach me and show me how to have fun.. without the competition of too many of us in the pack or maybe it could be just me? I'd like that too!!! :)
- See you humans have faults too.. you only have two hands.. so when we want to have your attention.. if there are three of us.. someone is always left out.. even if it's only for a minute or so and I really want to lap up lots of attention right now.
- My forever home would have an adult who stays home.. someone who could be there for me and spend time just showing me how good it is to receive human love... someone (or two) who wants someone like me... someone like me who can show them SO much love back.. someone like me who is so happy just to be with them!!!
- It would have a fenced in backyard so I can go outside whenever I want.... in a safe place.
- My forever humans would have to like to go for walks... cause I really do and I need that time to use up some of my energy and I have lots of missed walking days in my first 5 years to make up for.
- My forever humans would like going to the dog park because even though I think it would be best to only have one other dog to contend with in the 'house' or if it was just me in the 'house'.... I do LOVE other dogs and when I go to the Dog Park.. I Run and I Run. I run like the wind!!! I play with ALL the dogs even the ones that seem to be 50x my size! I play with them all and I am SO very happy to have so many dogs to play and run with.
- My Forever Mom would have to understand that I'm just discovering life and I'm like a puppy.. I'm pretty curious about ..well everything! She'd have to be patient with me and expect that I might chew the odd thing like puppies often do.
- My Mom says .. it would be awesome if my forever Mom gave her lots and lots of updates.. and, :) .... if my forever Mom would go to the the "Westie-Walk" so she could see me and hug me... or maybe my Forever Mom wouldn't mind if Tola and Holly came for a visit cause they are my first true Siblings. (I think my Mom is a little needy too cause she gets a bit teary whenever this subject comes up!)
- My Forever Mom could be a Dad too... or both!!!! :)
Are there places like that out there?!???? Like real Forever Homes that just want a handsome guy like me that they can help??? My Mom says it's "The most rewarding thing she has ever done to help me!!!!!!"
I'm exhausted... first all the squirrels today.. and all this thinking takes a toll on you... I'd really like to know what you all think about my ideas for a "Forever Home"... do places like that exist??? I sure hope so!!! I have so much love to give!!!!
Big Sigh,