Angus, Monty & I (Logan)

Angus, Monty & I  (Logan)
I'm the cute one on the right! Yes the one who is starring at you!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!!!!!!!

I am so loving my new life!

Jaquie & Bill (That's my Mom & Dad) take me out to visit friends.  I even get to sleep on their friends couches when we go visiting.

Every afternoon Bill has a nap and I get to go have a nap with him!  Jaquie says if it's one o'clock I pick up my stuffie and head toward the bedroom!  She says I'm settling into our daytime routine just great!!

I like hanging out in the kitchen when Jacquie is making something to eat.  She says I'm a very smart, and curious boy!  I can walk right up on my hind legs and I stand right up and get a look at what she is doing on the counter!  It always smells so good!!!

Jaquie and Bill are really, really proud of me!  They tell everyone all about me!!

Jaquie says I'm more relaxed now... actually she says I snore when I'm sleeping!  We have a clock that gongs on the hour and at first I barked when I heard it at night... now I don't hear it at all!!

I wish they didn't baracade the spiral staircase going upstairs... I really liked it up there!

Jaquie says it's polite to wish people you love "Happy New Year"!  So HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you!

My foster Mom, Sarah, Holly & TOLA are going to come for tea after the new year!!!!  I'll get them to take some pictures for all of you!!!!!!!!

Love Logan

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