Angus, Monty & I (Logan)

Angus, Monty & I  (Logan)
I'm the cute one on the right! Yes the one who is starring at you!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I don't know why but there were SO many squirrels in our front yard today I'm plum tuckered out from all the activity...

We had no time to sit down.  By the time we got off that table, down the stairs to the front door... back up the stairs again.. countless leaps back up on the table.. (And.. sometimes I don't judge the table right and get the wind knocked out of me as it hits me in the chest.... And .. sometimes.. I slide right across the table and fall off on the other side....) another squirrel arrived and a few of them stood up at their hind legs trying to get a better look at us....  the nerve.. I got pretty vocal telling everyone to please let me out there... oh that would have been SO fun!   Those stuffies around the house got a good work out today.  Holly hid her favourites under the bed... what's up with that.  She's no fun!

And.... just re-living it here telling you about it has me needing a nap!


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